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Capacity Mapping

One of the core objectives of the collaborative network is to map out NI’s current capability and skills in AI to an acceptable national standard. This is in regard to both the member companies and the broader industrial sector. Through doing this we can identify specific skills deficits/gaps and propose solutions as to how to address these to ensure businesses are equipped to capitalise on new business opportunities identified. 

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Fostering Collaboration

Through the collaborative network we aim to scope out and identify areas of collaborative industry academic research that would help position NI. We will also develop a showcase of examples of excellence in AI coming from Northern Ireland and avail of this to inform Northern Ireland’s value proposition. Through working together we can build upon the excellence in AI that exists in Northern Ireland

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Training and Knowledge Sharing

The network contains a broad range of members with a significant level of knowledge and expertise. The network members work together to provide knowledge sharing and training in a non-competitive mutually beneficial manner to  help address skills gaps and increase the overall expertise of the group, taking advantage of the varying areas of expertise